Sorry, folk, for not having posted something for so long.
Iam quite lazy regarding this blog at these times.
Although iam a fan of most of the bloggers who belong to my Order, and also of one blog of a certain gentlemen that does not belong to my Order, but who seems to work in a similar tradition, iam quite fed up with the flame wars, bickerings and ego-show-offs that go on at the occult blogosphere.
Following this means unnecessary distraction, at least on my part.
I better concentrate on serving my Order and the Temple i belong to and on working to become more than human, which is the Great Work. And iam working quite hard on that.
Iam totally tired of magicians with profile neurosis and people who have not yet learned the lesson that spiritual pride is such a common obstacle on the path to attainment.
Seeing attitudes like this simply makes me yawn.
And believe it or not, there are magicians and adepts out there who dont even care about whats going on at the web! This is a revelation, huh?
Even most of the brethren in my Temple dont care for the on-goings at the web, and they do a good job in not caring but instead focussing on their magical development!
And to be honest, i think the adepts and Chiefs of my Order are much more polite and welcoming to "outside" GD orders and magicians than i would ever be.
For me, it WAS NEVER a question of belonging to the right or wrong Order.
When i got initiated back in 2003, i knew i now simply belong to THE Golden Dawn, nothing more and nothing less. I didnt need any proof. My initiation was proof enough.
And IF i would have needed proof afterwards, there would have been MANY instances, instances that were and are so precious to me that i would not even think about talking about them publicly.
Well, iam quite traditionalistic, and iam very strict in regards to secrecy, because i believe secrecy to be a necessary seal INWARDLY and OUTWARDLY when hoping for success on the path of transmutation.
To all the people out there who call themselves magicians in the Golden Dawn tradition, but have nothing better to do than trying to undermine the magical authority that gleams through the bits and pieces of revelations that were made publicly here at the web, and on behalf of my Order, i simply refer to to the fox in the fables of Aesop, who wanted to enjoy pears he saw on a tree.
But when he realized that he could not reach them, he simply went on to rant about their bad taste.
This all does not mean that i want to give up this blog.
I simply need time to re-think what i REALLY want to say, because there has already been said so much and also true things by other people.
Neither do i want to keep this as a magical diary, nor do i want to debate on subjects where others already have been quite competent and eloquent.
I dont want to re-invent the wheel, and at the moment i dont want to even discuss my Magic, but instead focussing entirely on my practise, experience and internalization.
I also dont want to let the public follow my hardships or breakthroughs on this difficult path.
And it IS a difficult path. The more you progress, the more tricky and subtle the obstacles and tests will become.
Well, i have some ideas on my mind what to say here, but they are not ripened yet.
I have time. I hope you have time, too.
And till time is ripe i advice you all to KNOW YOURSELF.
This is part of the herculean task. While Theurgy is a great means to develop higher and divine consciousness in a safe manner, i know from experience that it does not cover up the whole business of knowing yourself.
You can attain divine consciousness on a regular basis and STILL suffer from dysfunctional behaviour without even knowing that.
There are other tools to cover up the business of knowing yourself entirely, so use it, because
it is in vain that the wine of Gods is poured into broken vessels.
A bit bitter today,
your Ben Gamuret.
Summa Scientia Nihil Scire
Indeed, one has to wonder about what teh major topics discuessed here in teh blogsphere are these days and the way how they are discussed. I also always thought that at some point of your path you would overcome some of teh things shown throughout the various posts. And I am not refering to anyone specific here. Sigh...