Montag, 21. März 2011

Magical Synergy

Following the energy debate on different blogs that are listed on my blog roll, i want to give in my two cents also, although maybe a little late.

Iam sure that energy work comprises the most important factor in magical development, since i believe that it is only by being able to feel ever greater amounts of subtle energies inside the physical body that the astral body, which is closest to the physical body, can develop.
Just like a baby needs food to grow, the energetic bodies need subtle energy to develop.
And to feel a greater variety of subtle energies is what makes us more than human.
But subtle energy is not necessary subtle energy suited for this undertaking.
In Reiki you also work with subtle energy, but compared to L.V.X. in the Golden Dawn i experienced Reiki as much more low vibrating (and therefore easier to feel).

In the Golden Dawn we have a great set of techniques that enables the practitioner to invoke, raise and move magical energies through the body.
Apart from the initiation ceremonies, which render the matter of the candidate philosophical (thanks to S.R. for borrowing this), the practical work is done by the combined effort of will, imagination and vibration.
We have basic techniques to invoke L.V.X. in a more general manner, and we have more advanced techniques with which to invoke L.V.X. in a ever more differentiated manner, not unlike sending light through a colour prism.
With all this comes a great deal of mental concepts, kabbalistical and otherwise, which may be necessary in this regard or not, i dont know.
But at least the objects of study, which should bit by bit complement the practical experience, serve the purpose of training the intellect, which is a good thing in itself.
The lust for learning ever more is what keeps people young.
And the classic hermetic and alchemical studies have the wonderful effect of both accustoming the mind of the student with the subtle intricacies of what is known as the "Language of the Birds", and of rooting out certain misconceptions about matter and spirit we have inherited by our culture.

But back to energy work:
I found out that energetic evolution can be experienced also on a collective group level.
I experienced this with the german Temple, of which iam proud to be part of.
Of course, we would not progress with our work there if we would not do our daily energetic and magical work at home.....but the more we progress on a personal level, the more the energy that we raise and invoke in Temple Openings accumulates.
And i dont believe that a Temple is as strong as its weakest member.
Given you have three strong Officers that have attained a certain level, one or two relative beginners will not weaken the intensity of the flow.

Temple work is something that is growing slowly in intensity.
You need a core of people who get along well with each other, and who bring the necessary perseverance, discipline and a certain character that allows to work in a hierarchical structure.
People who are lazy or dominated by their power drive will dismiss the work or fall out of the system very soon. You also need people with strong commitment when it comes to sacrifice your weekends for rather altruistic ends.
But if these points are covered, the road is free for discovering and exploring the mysteries of the Golden Dawn and magical evolution on a group level also.

The amount of energy that can be raised by this collective work is HUGE.
I remember many occassions when i served as main officer in initiation ceremonies where i felt such a great amount of energy that my body was literally shaking, mostly at very distinct points of the rites.
And after 8 years of constantly working together the energetic flow of the Hall begins to subtly materialize even before the actual Opening ceremony is happening.
We sit down at our positions, and i already feel it flowing through me, and i can see it also, lighting up my Sphere.

When the Hall comes to life, you can feel and see the L.V.X. manifesting around the Altar, on the Pillars, on the implements, streaming along the main channels of the Hall, like the Middle Pillar that is formed by the three main officers in the Hall of Neophyte, but also vitalizing the whole air in the Hall to a truly visible extent.
Everything starts to vibrate, even seemingly dead objects, and everything breathes.
I can tell: this is spiritualisation of matter!
And i never experienced it as strong as this when i was working alone.
The combined wills of several people can achieve much more, and the sum is greater than its parts.
Magical synergy!

Oculator Abis,
Frater L.e.N.e.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Care H.Fra.L.e.N.e,

    Fantastic post, Frater! There has been some discussion by mages outside of our Order who don't feel that Lodge work is necessary or useful; they seem to have mistaken work in a Magical Lodge with that worked in a purely Masonic lodge. Two entirely different beasts. Thanks for the thought-provoking post!

    In LVX,


  2. Thank you, H. Frater A.I.T.!
    Well, either these guys never did Temple Work, or never did it long enough with a well trained team, because like i mentioned, this is also Work that has to be done regularly and over a long time to have full effect.

  3. Care Frater,

    Donald Michael Kraig suggests, in his "Modern Magic", a mathematical formula that is intended to (more or less) calculate the overall sum of magical power raised according to the number of people present in a Temple meeting. I don´t have his book here right now, but if you like I can look it up (and post the formula here later).

    The Imperator

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